Sunday, February 14, 2016

Environmental Sustainability

            Sustainability is defined by as the ability for something to be supported indefinitely. So, when asked what environmental sustainability is, one can assume that resources and tactics that are being used in our environment on a daily basis for production in our economy support long-term ecological health and balance. Environmental sustainability is difficult to create in the world that we live in today. The production of any type of good or service in today’s world harms the environment in some way. After World War II, the Industrial Revolution, and the Baby-Boomer generation, the economy needed to compensate and provide for the increase of working people. Large-scale businesses and mass production of food took over the production industry, while local farmers and clean harvesting tactics were then a thing of the past, all with sustainability for the people in mind.
            But decades later, the change in production in our country has impacted our environment in ways people never expected. The current production industry is not sustainable or healthy for Americans to live with anymore. Nonrenewable natural resources are running out. America may need to change it’s ways, sooner than anyone thinks. 
            Some people may argue that changing to a more sustainable environment may cause disruption in America’s economy because it will impact employment amounts in a negative way by switching to smaller scale farming and cleaner techniques, which would then cost more money.
            Although it may take some time for changes to be made, efficient use of raw materials would reduce the production of waste. If more people purchased food locally, local economies would grow, and the food would be produced in a healthier environment. This would also add to the surrounding environment being treated with healthier practices. Cars and factories have cleaner alternatives available. For example, battery-operated and hybrid cars use less material and are better for the environment.

 Also, switching to resources like wind and water are much cleaner and long-term are a cheaper option.

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